Welcome to GenNow

Gen Now is Bethel Church’s ministry to parents and their children (birth to young adult).
Our mission is to transform neighborhoods one home at a time. 

We believe that God designed the church and the family to work together to raise the next generation of Christians. In both the Old and New Testaments, we see this truth clearly portrayed in passages such as Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 78, Matthew 28:18-20, and Ephesians 6.

Because of this, we view discipleship as a two-sided coin: Church and the Family. If the church and family are to work together to equip the generations, we must have a common path on which to walk. We call this The Legacy Pathway and it is our desire to help people mature along this path.

On this Legacy Pathway, we work to equip families to disciple the next generation through leading Faith Talks, Capturing God Moments, and Marking Milestones.

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-7

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20

Legacy Milestones

The Legacy Pathway

What is the Legacy Pathway?
It’s a pathway of faith steps to walk with your children from birth to 18 years and beyond.

Why is it such a big deal? 
God has called us to teach and surround our children with the word and love of God.

Who should be doing this?
You! A parent, guardian, grandparent, mentor, coach, or adult presence in the life of someone younger than you.

How do I walk the pathway?
By having a talk about faith, recognizing God at work in everyday moments in your child’s life, and celebrating the 7 Milestones of faith (see milestones below).  Attend the classes and seminars during the year, and use the website resources to guide you every step of the way.

When should I begin?
Now! Choose to begin your journey today, your children and their eternity is worth it. Click on the button below and we will help you get started. 

Parent Resources

We want to empower you as the Primary Faith Trainer in your house to lead Faith Talks and recognize God's Moments in your family's life. Here are some resources to assist you and your family grow in God's purpose that you can read with your child, spouse, yourself, or a group of parents in the same season as you.

Parenting Your… by Reggie Joiner & Kristen Ivy
Zero to One – The Phase When nobody sleeps, everybody smells, and one mesmerizing baby convinces you, “I NEED YOU NOW.
One & Two – The Phase when nobody’s on time, everything’s a mess, and one eager toddler will insist, “I CAN DO IT.”

Book Resource

Parenting Your… by Reggie Joiner & Kristen Ivy
Three & Four – The Phase when anything can be imagined, everything can be a game, and one curious preschooler wants to know, “WHY?”
Kindergarten – The Phase when unfiltered words make you laugh, homework makes you cry, and life becomes a stage where your kid shouts, “LOOK AT ME.”

Book Resources

Parenting Your… by Reggie Joiner & Kristen Ivy
First Grade – The Phase when unfiltered words make you laugh, homework makes you cry, and life becomes a stage where your kid shouts, “LOOK AT ME.”
Second and Third Grade – The Phase when fairness matters most, differences get noticed, and your enthusiastic kid thinks anything “SOUNDS LIKE FUN!”

Book Resources

Parenting Your… by Reggie Joiner & Kristen Ivy
Fourth & Fifth Grade – The Phase when friends are best friends, games are for competition, and your confident kid will insist, “I’VE GOT THIS.”
Sixth Grade – The Phase when there’s never enough groceries, too many hormones and a dramatic kid that needs someone to prove, “WHO CARES.”

Book Resources

Parenting Your… by Reggie Joiner & Kristen Ivy
Sixth Grade – The Phase when there’s never enough groceries, too many hormones and a dramatic kid that needs someone to prove, “WHO CARES.”
Seventh & Eight Grades – The Phase when nothing you do is cool, everything is fun in a crowd, and one smart kid will keep reminding you, “YEAH…I KNOW.”
Ninth Grade – The Phase when friendships shift grades count, and interests change so often your teenager has to explain “THIS IS ME NOW.”
Tenth Grades – The Phase when “everyone else can…,” “nobody else has to …,” and your resolute teen will push you to answer, “WHY NOT?”
Eleventh Grade – The Phase when there’s less drama, more stress and your very busy teenager answers all your questions with “JUST TRUST ME.”
Twelfth Grade – Your emerging adult pulls away, gets closer, does things for the last time and you both start asking, “WHAT’S NEXT?”

Book Resources

“Behold, children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, The fruit of the womb a reward.”
Psalm 127:3

Children are a gift from God to us. It’s our job as a parent to nurture their spirit every day. 

MY TOOLBOX – These tools are practical things that we can use during the week to nurture our child’s spirits.

Nurture your child’s spirit – Weekly Blessings

Table Blessings – a tool for you to speak God’s word of identity and nurture the spirit

Milestones are important stages in your family life. We encourage you to celebrate it. Click on the link below for suggestions on celebrating each of them.

Milestone Family Celebration Ideas

Young Adult Resources

We want to equip you as you begin your adult life in Christ. Here are some resources to help you read by yourself or with a group of people in the same life stage as you.